Hi Players, Parents, Coaches & Lacrosse Enthusiasts,
Thank you for visiting our website and checking out details on the 9th Saratoga Lacrosse Shootout. After 8 successful tournaments , beginning in 2013, we are very excited for Round 8 in Saratoga Springs!
For those that have attended previously, we hope you’ve enjoyed your time on and off the field and look forward to joining us again in 2022. If you haven’t yet participated in the Shootout, you should know that our event is unique and not like any other lacrosse tournament you may have attended in the past. With a lacrosse festival vibe, our 8th annual tournament will offer 5 competitive divisions, a players only ‘fun zone’, 3 v 3 mini lacrosse, vendor village, Mazzone catering & much more! In order to understand how unique and cool our event is; you must attend in person to truly appreciate the event. Gavin Park is the optimal location for the Shootout, 11 fields all at one premium location.
On behalf of Rhino Lacrosse and Summit Lacrosse Ventures, we hope that you will join us in 2022 for an unmatchable lacrosse experience.
Ryan Powell & Kevin Leveille